Pittsburgh Steelers Najee Harris Caricature Shirt
Pittsburgh Steelers Najee Harris Caricature Shirt In the Pittsburgh Steelers Najee Harris Caricature Shirt and I love this studio, Good Morning Vogue runs into model-of-the-moment and 2000s style aficionado Jordan Daniels, who’s on hand to give us a crash course in shopping for a red carpet–worthy look at one of Milan’s best-loved vintage stores, Cavalli e Nastri. She also shares the secret to a 30-second updo. The last word on Y2K style, however, goes to Los Angeles native Devon Lee Carlson. Watch the full video for an exclusive tour of her closet and her best Y2K pieces. “We made it!” cheer the five designers who opened Milan Fashion Week in a new showcase of BIPOC talent. Sheetal Shah, Nyny Ryke Goungou, Romy Calzado Celda, Zineb Hazim, and Judith Saint Germain are Italian-based designers of color who took part in the Fab 5, Non Siamo una Moda—“Fab 5, We Are Not Just a Trend”—digital runway presentation, directed by Italian-Angolan writer-director Antonio Dikele Distefano and...